Saturday, November 14, 2009

my childhood memories - few of dem !

Memories: (Childhood)

What do i miss now in life ?

Sitting with dad and discussing how to learn maths tables?
Getting scolded by mom for helping the pup get out of d drain?
Enjoying the summer vacation by playing from 1 to 8 ?
Gettin injured while playing cricket and kabbadi ?
Breaking up friendship wid a friend jus coz he din give d chocolate?
Getting hit by dad for d 1st and last time coz of going to a frnds house widout informing directly from school?
The small misunderstandings at schools?
The unit tests and getting almost flunked in geography?
Getting thrown out of class for not completing maths homework?
Getting hit by principal for kneeling down outside d class (double punishment)?
Roaming the whole school premises jobless to show off that we into high school ?
The coming off the saree while a dance performance in class 5?
The reader's quarters where i spent 12 yrs of my life?
The throwing of dolls from 3rd floor for fun and getting it back through a rope hanging from the balcony ?
The making of mud cakes and distributing it among friends ?
Searching for a thorn fruit in the forest?
Playing of holi from morning 7 to 1pm?
Getting scared at nights after watching Zee horror show ?
Mom waking me up at 6am to get ready for school?
Getting teased by a guy in bus for the new hair cut?
Stand 1st in the poem writing competition?
The disastrous dance competition?
Crying at the death of a fav. pet ? Street pup !
Cursing the uncle who killed the lil cat ?
Feeling miserable at the thought of chopping up a fav. tree in backyard for laying a new road?
The excitement of entering new children's park in the neighborhood?
The roaming of the whole university campus and entering all the departments on various festivals wid friends?
The fight with the vegetable vendor for cheating my mom by 2 rs. ?
Having lunch for an hour by watching t.v ?
Arrival of a new car? announcing it in the whole colony at night 11 and getting yelled at by an old uncle ?
Loving aunties preparing my fav. dishes ?
Tasting Pizza in 8th for the 1st time in life?
Disastrous cooking experiment ?
Missing the bus ?
Bunking up school in middle by giving lame excuses?
Throwing of tablets everyday in the morning and getting caught?
Giving reasons to parents for bunking school?
The scoldings of mom for getting low marks in half yearly exams ?
The satisfaction that "i slapped a guy today while cycling"?
The cycling competition with friends and later getting scolded by mom for the same!
Teasing a guy for peeing in a well ?
The 7th class excursion to nepal ? Escaping the super cyclone ?
The 1999 super cyclone ! The terror of the mishap still crawling under skin?
The birthday celebrations at home and rarely at school coz of dusshera vacations?
The fights wid cousins who wer almost 10 - 15 yrs elder to me?
The disaster in our family? 1994 dec 10th !
The 10th class exams ?
The tensions regarding entering a gud college ?

Truly said “When childhood dies, its corpses are called adults and they enter society, one of the politer names of hell. That is why we dread children, even if we love them, they show us the state of our decay.”


Binitwa said...

Very well said Sweta..A fantastic collection of the little pleasures of life, experienced as a child, which we are aloofed of once we enter to this no-man's world of adulthood, which inspite of all its mysteries cannot compensate for those lil joys of childhood..

Sweta Patnaik said...

@ binit ! Thnx for ur feedback .. :)

utkarsh said...

well sone just speechless...very nice job touched...

Unknown said...

a gud small sweet questionnaire of wt we r missin nw..sweet memories..gud job :)

adfadfds said...

Cursing the uncle who killed the lil cat ? Hmm... Interesting

adfadfds said...

Cursing the uncle who killed the lil cat ? Hmm... Interesting